Monday, 15 December 2008

Mama really is stinking bad!!

Mama keeps going to see Mama Jane and coming back stinking so bad, the smells in my nose are just HORRIBLE!

She leaves the smell on the sofa and I've had to pee on it THREE times to try and cover over the stink! Mama isn't happy with me but I just don't care, the smell is too much for me to bear! Mama says it is the smell of a new family member what is going in my nose and making me feel cross.

Mummy Jane has got one of these rabbit dogs, Mama says he is just ginormous in sizings, even bigger than Spit the Cat the Bunny.

He came from a rescue and is a german shepard staffie cross and he is one years old, which is the same as me! Why am I not as big as him? He is called Arnie and looks like this -

I guess he looks okay but he's not as handsome as me.

Mummy Jane is hoping he settles in good and makes friends with Spit The Cat The Bunny. He is a misery guts so Arnie has a challenge on his hands!

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Sometimes, you just gotta help yourself!

Hello down there!

Sometimes Mama just doesn't give me enough treats so I have to go find them and help myself. Only this time I got caught, uh-oh! Mama said I was very naughty and hid away the treatums! *thump!*

My friend Alvin is very worried that his hoomin is going to eat him! His hoomin is trying to handle him but he thinks something terrible is going to happen... I think he needs some kind bunneh words that nothing bad is going to happen! You can see his blog here. He also has AlvinTV so you can watch what him and his wife, Pearl, get up to!

We have more sad news too. :-( Mama's Great Auntie Cynthia died last Friday. Mama said it was The Big C.... but I don't think she meant cawwits. :-(

All this typing makes me need a snoozy time.... night night x

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

The Fixer Man came...

I was doing a worried face because Mama said the fixer man was coming because there was something wrong with the kitchen tap. She hadn't said anything about going to Mummy Jane's so I was worried because I am an ill-eagle immy-grant here, the landlords are racist against the ethnic bunneh and say I shouldn't be here! *thump*

Well, the fixer man did come and I remembered that I have seen him before and that I did like him, he fusses me and says I am handsome and loves my little feets. Well, yes, I am rather wonderful, aren't I? Mama says he is very nice and won't tell the landlords that I live here because he likes me so very much, phew! He can come and do fixings and fussings anytime he likes... though I might tell him to take his shoes off in future because Mama was complaining to me about the wet dirty footprints he left... like I'm supposed to do anything about it?!

Ahhh, cuddle times!