We had an in-spec-shun last week.... I went to Mummy Jane's which I really enjoy... apart from this time! Spit the Cat the Bunny was really grumpy, Mama said he has grumpy old man some days. I went to say hello and he hit me on the head! On the head with his paw! Can you believe it?!! Mama told him not to hit small people and she waggled her finger at him. I tried to say hello again and he hit me again! He is very strong. I'm glad he didn't have his claws out or I would have been hurt. Mama shouted at him in her big voice - the one she uses when she tell me to get off the sofa - and he started hissing at her! It was like they were having an argument! She told him tog o outside and think about his naughty behaviour, which he did. I was able to snuggle down in the warm spot he left, it was lovely!!
I've been doig alot of sleeping, Mama has been taking an awful lot of photos of me doing sleepytime.

Mama has been doing some sads lately, Great Nana McCormack fell asleep on October 31st, aged 92. I told her that she would be seeing everyone at rainbow bridge and looking after them all. Mama loved Great Nana even though she had lots more wrinkles than Mummy Jane and Granny Maureen put together. She was fiercely independent to the end and still lived alone, Mama says she was an amazing woman and hopes she grows up like her....without the wrinkles, I hope!!
Oh! I'm so SORRY to hear about your Great Nana! *hugs* Carlton is right, she's doing great at the human Rainbow Bridge.
Even so, those kinds of sads are always really tough to get through. It takes forever.
But that's waht bunnies are for, no? *binkies, nose rubs*
We're so sorry to hear about Great Nana.. give Mama lots of bunny loving, Carlton, so she feels better :)
Spit the Cat the Bunny deserves a nip in the butt for hitting you. Twice!! Send him over here and we'll teach him to respect bunnies!
We are so sorry to hear about your Great Nana! That's a lot of years to live, so she did really well!
That Spit the Cat the Bunny is kind of ornery! Maybe he was a little jealous of you, do you think?
Aaww I'm sorry about your mama's Great Nana. I'm sure that she's in a better place now.
Glad to hear from you again Carlton.
Can't your mama have bunnies in her house?
Carlton, I is very sorry about your Mama's great Nana. That must be very sad for her.
Cats is very grumpy to us rabbit dogs, Pepe used to bob me on the head too. Sometimes even when I was just walking past him!
I think you would look good with a mane like me. Maybe I should get mum to cut some of my hair off and send it to you?
It can be hard to keep big bun feet out of pee, sometimes, at least it ended up with a pear treat. Sorry about the sads over the Greatest Great Nana. She left lots of love still, all over, slurp some up. And, lastl,y we just don't like cats........
We're sorry to hear about your great Nana. Snuggles, Mum.
I think you should use your growling motor like me and let Spit the Cat the Bunny know who is in charge. Bunnehs!
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