Well, I did have one adventure, I went to Mummy Jane's and the room with no ceiling for 6 days! 6 whole days! Mama and Daddy went to somewhere called France, though I guess it's pretty tiny there because Mummy Jane kept putting a black box with buttons to my ear and I could hear her voice every day. I don't know how she fitted in that box but that's where they were.
I had a super time with Mummy Jane, I learnt I can get to the room with no ceiling all by myself if I hop out the door. Mummy Jane let me come and go as I pleased and I had alot of fun making her smile with binkies. Unfortunately there are no pictures bacuse for some reason Mama thought it would be better to take it to tiny France.
I have a new favourite place, under Mama's feet when she is sitting at the table. I don't even chew the wires, see?
Mama says I am like a puppydog but I don't know what one of those is.
Although I don't chew these wires, I noticed Mama got a new phone and stupidly left the new charger wire across where I sleep so I snipped it in half with my teefs! Mama was mad but she says it is her own fault for not doing thinkings. Quite right too! I'm Number One Bun, okay!!
Mama is feeling a little sad because she went to hospital yesterday. She is having her tests again. She has to go back to school on Monday and she is very worried. She won't go in for long because this bunny wants company! She did a very silly thing earlier, she was excited because there was guinea pigs on the telly... she ran out the bedroom and kicked her foot hard on the hoover. Her foot is bruised and bloody and swollen. I did sniffings to make it better but Mama still needed some magic cream to stop her eyes leaking.
Mama thought it would be funny to make look like an ornament. Do I look like I'm enjoying myself?? I think not. Stoopid hoomins.