On Friday night, Daddy and myself stayed home without Mama, she went camping in Mummy Jane's garden with one of her brothers. Daddy and I went the next day and Mama looked so very tired! She was very cross because something she called a "tart" came into the garden looking for Spit The Cat The Bunny. She was mewing and mewing and Spit was asleep with Mama's brother. Mama saw the "tart" come in the tent! Spit went "HHIIIIIISSSSS" and chased her out! Mama watched as The Tart sat on the patio and they stared each other out. Mama thought nothing was going to happen.... but a big fight broke out. Mama says she wanted rudies (what is rudies?) but Spit is cas-tray-teed so didn't know what she wanted... all he knew is he had to defend his territory! They had a BIG fight and Mama said the noise was awful. She never heard fighting so bad.... The Tart wouldn't go away either so Mama had to chase her away. There was ALOT of The Tart's fur about the garden and Spit had some scratches. Mama is very cross that this cat has not been fixed - she says it is very unresponsible of the owners. She is crossing the main road to come here and is waking the neighbours with her noise.
Anyway, Mama was doing mouth makes and they took her so long! I was out playing in the dark for a long time! It was so much fun! We went home at 11.30pm, way past my bedtime. We went back to Mummy Jane's this morning and that's when I saw the outside wet!
Look at my wet feet! I must say, they sure were clean when I dried off!
Mama finished her mouthmakes, they looked real good! She did them for a friend who started a night called "Medicine". That looks like a medicine that I would like to eat!!
After the bakings, Mama, Daddy and Otis palyed a game called "How Many Items Can You Put On A Sleeping Cat" ...... they was laughing and laughing like stupid children. If anybun did that to me, I would bite them! Mama lost when he woke up after she tried to put a fish tank net on him. He didn't mind though, he went back to sleep!
Speaking of biting.... I did a naughty. I don't know what came over me. Daddy and I were having a cuddle and his finger just looked so tasty.... I had to have a nibble. Daddy yelped and told me off. It looks like I really did hurt him.
I'm very sorry. I hope he forgives me. I don't know what I'd do if I was grounded and wasn't allowed my veggies.
You must like Mummy Jane's place.
She has a huge room with no garden!
I'm sure your mama is glad that you were playing outside in the water, so that doubles as a shower.
Maybe your Daddy's finger looks like a carrot .. that's why you nibbled on it.
My hamster once nibbled on my finger because I had touched food earlier, so it smells like food.
I totally want to hop around in the rain once! DKM will not let me hop outside because of Esmeralda, the ginormous Golden Eagle who lives by us. I'm pretty sure Esmeralda might think of me as a fluffy snack.
I have never seen a room with no ceiling before - was it nice?
Those hoomin tummy rumblers look tasty - If only we were allowed a couple!
You seemed to like the 'water from the sky'.
Louis x
There's a HUGE wet happening at our place right now. Luckily we're in a room with a ceiling.. we don't like any sort of wet!
We're glad The Tart didn't get her way with Spit the Cat the Bunny! Way to go, Spit!!
Wow! Those are some major happenings you've had lately!
It's been showering here all day. Think we'll stay in where it's dry. Looks like you we're having fun in that green stuff though.
What a great report, Carlton. We love seeing you in action. Our poster hasn't gotten that cleaver yet. WE can't go outside either, there are cats and a hawk, maybe, we are not snacks ! ! ! ! It sure looks fun. What's inside the medicine mouth makes? they look awesome.
Mama says the mouth makes are "vanilla sponge" though I does not know what that is. If I could only taste it...
Ooh I'm not sure I like the look of the wet from the room with no ceiling! Sometimes I like to sit by the window and get wind from that room, but never the wet! You are avery brave bunny!
Yup .. we get left out there in that wet too sometimes. We all have lots of cover, but our feets get wet good and sometimes we just sit right out in it ... feels good and makes our 2-foots stupid!
What is the room with no ceiling like? My mum says I can't go out to ours coz its comunist or something and she is worried nerds or neds or something will set dogs on me? Whats a dog? She says they is dangerous?
Ooh Carlton! You are so naughty to bite your daddy so hard! Bunny the Artist never bit mom or dad that hard but he did go peepee on dad's head once. (Dad was lying in bed when it happened.)
Wags, BooBoo (Bunny the Artist's canine sibling)
hahaha nice bite!
arrrrrr Carlton, did you get introuble for biting your daddy? that looks really sore even my mum didnt cut when i bited her she just went a really pretty purple....
Don't tell your daddy, but he has girly hands.
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