We went to see Uncle Simon again yesterday, he played the pinching game again but he gave me lots of cuddles so I didn't mind! He said I'm a lovely fluffball. Mama said I had a VHD injection but I don't remember seeing any needles, I think she is lying. Mummy Jane picked us up to go to the vets and a lady in a uniform said she would shut the door as Mama was struggling with me in a carrier. She popped her face infront of mine and started saying how beautiful I was. Well, I do know that but thank-you anyway, I said. I eyed her up suspiciously, her uniform has reflective bits on. Mama said she was a traffic warden, whatever that is. Mama said to check she didn't give us a sneaky ticket while she cooed over me, tee hee!
We went to Mummy Janes after and had some lovely grasses. It started to do wet from the sky but I don't mind so much. Mama was a bit worried so put a brolly up to protect me from the wet.

Someone in the sky started shouting so Mama said I better come inside. I have found a favourite new place, Mummy Jane's laptop case! I snuggled right down for a sleepy.

Spit The Cat The Bunny got Mama back for her mean trick the other day. She went to get a drink and he said "you move, you lose hoomin"! I was sitting under the table laughing! She had to balance on the edge of the chair to use the computer.

I've been on my bestest behaviour, I havn't done bitings on Daddy since last time!
I just hate when the sky starts to shout! I always hear the angry sky when I'm inside and I just wish it would shut up. Next time you hear it shouting you should yell back, that's what I do...stupid sky.
Oh laptop bags! Those are so tasty.
hehe Carlton thats just the sweetest thing ever.... your mama putting a brolly down so you can eat the grass *needs a love icon*
From Alvins mummy xxxx
You got an injection and didn't even feel it? Wow.. not only are you beautiful, you're brave and strong too! :D
Aaaww looks like you're enjoying yourself.
I want to take you home Carlton because you're just so cute!
Wow! Good times! We would have laughed too to see your mom balancing on the chair when Spit took over!
We hate it when the sky shouts! It's kind of scary. Good thing you went inside before it started to do more than shout!
We are in awe of all your sky adventures, Carlton, and agree laptop bags are the BEST. She still laughs about the funny game your Momma played on Spit some posts ago.
Carlton, you crack me up :) You're a brave bunny to go out in the rain... Miss Eve wouldn't want to be seen dead out in the rain, and Hugo...well, he'd rather go out when it's sunny, nevermind he's albino and should be in the shade!
Well done for the VHD jab...but weren't you scared at the vets?
Oh My .. Savanna has a 'Brolly to hide from the rain or the sun! Where we live the sky almost never shouts ... it just weeps ... a lot.
You remind us of our boy Winston ...
Hi Carlton! Thanks for stopping by our blog. You are one handsome bun!!
Glad to meet you!
It did lots of rainings here too Carlton. You are very brave going outside in it! Our rabbitdogs don't like it. I glad you like your Uncle Simon. That pinching game sounds lots of fun.
Hee hee Carlton. Tell you a secret. Laptop cables are also good, but when T chewed our mummy's it cost lots of that funny stuff they use and mummy told us that we wouldn't be able to have any new toys until Christmas until we'd paid it back.
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