On Sunday Mama was on the phone and started doing a happy dance. She said I was going on an adventure while she went to France. Where is France? Is it in America? I know somebuns on here are from America, maybe they can tell me. She was invited to go with the family as a last minute jolly jaunt... why I wasn't invited I don't know.
Anyway, Mama packed up all my things and off we went to Mummy Jane's. I love it there, she has the room with no ceiling and car-pets... though I havn't seen those pets yet. I was there from Monday to Wednesday evening! It was so much fun! I got to play in the house and I chased the cat around and it was great. I kept trying to be friends with Spit The Cat The Bunny but he doesn't want to know. He was sitting with Mama's brother on the sofa and I wanted some cuddle time too... I jumped up and Spit ran away! I only wanted some snuggles and I wouldn't have minded sharing the hoomin with him. Nevermind.
Mama came home and I ran up to her for snuggles, I was so pleased she was home! I was starting to worry that she'd forgotten about me! She came back with some stinking cheese for Daddy. Pooey!
There are some photos of her adventures but I'm not in them so I don't know why I'm putting any up.
I've been practicing alot of meditation and yoga lately, Mama took photos so you could all copy my moves.