Friday, 29 August 2008

Mama ran away from me!

Well, I do apologise for leaving my blog for so long but Mama ran away and I cannot switch on the iMac by myself, my paws don't reach.

On Sunday Mama was on the phone and started doing a happy dance. She said I was going on an adventure while she went to France. Where is France? Is it in America? I know somebuns on here are from America, maybe they can tell me. She was invited to go with the family as a last minute jolly jaunt... why I wasn't invited I don't know.

Anyway, Mama packed up all my things and off we went to Mummy Jane's. I love it there, she has the room with no ceiling and car-pets... though I havn't seen those pets yet. I was there from Monday to Wednesday evening! It was so much fun! I got to play in the house and I chased the cat around and it was great. I kept trying to be friends with Spit The Cat The Bunny but he doesn't want to know. He was sitting with Mama's brother on the sofa and I wanted some cuddle time too... I jumped up and Spit ran away! I only wanted some snuggles and I wouldn't have minded sharing the hoomin with him. Nevermind.

Mama came home and I ran up to her for snuggles, I was so pleased she was home! I was starting to worry that she'd forgotten about me! She came back with some stinking cheese for Daddy. Pooey!

There are some photos of her adventures but I'm not in them so I don't know why I'm putting any up.

I've been practicing alot of meditation and yoga lately, Mama took photos so you could all copy my moves.

Sunday, 24 August 2008

We sended present to ethnic Roo!

So Mama and I have been working on a little secret since Roo and his hoomin Mummy sent me a potty to go peepee in (Mama says I was lifting my bumbum too high and dribbling over the edge, how embarrassing!). See me enjoying private toilet time!

We spent lots of time doing and making and I kept sending Mama to get different coloured threads and felts for our spectacular makings! Mama sent it on the wind all the way to Roo!

Here are the pictures of Roo deciding how best to open the parcel.... "best leave it the hoomin"

ooh, a present! and a card!

A package that smelt nice in Roo's nose!

It was a package of nummy's! I put in some of my favourite things for my mouth. Herbs Plus, Coneflower, Gingko Plus, Dried Unsweetened Pineapple, some Bunny Biscuits!!

Roo got straight down to munching a delicious biscuit! Nomnomnom!

And the bestest thing, a Roo doll! It looks just like him, right down to the grey carpet feets!

Mama and I are very proud of our makings and are glad Roo and his hoomin Mummy enjoyed the parcel! Mama whispered in my ears that Roo's hoomin Mummy's eyes did a leak, I hope she wasn't sad!

Roo even played with the box and his Mummy made a video! He is ripping up our local news, he must disapprove of our towns regeneration plans! He is echoing the voices of the town residents with his actions!!

All this excitement has made a bunny sleepy.....

Friday, 22 August 2008

One finks one is royalty!

Well, I really could get used to this life! Today I got another parcel, I really am a spoilt bunster at the moment!

"Cor, I'm stuffed!"

Mama says it will be the last package I get for a bit, she says she has some 'big plans' to put into action. She won't tell me what they are all about but she says I will love it.

Mama and I stayed up very late last night, we have been making a surprise for ethnic Roo and his hoomin Mummy who sent us the potty. We didn't go to bed until 3am!! I had to get Mama up so very early so she could put the parcel on the wind and send it, I gave her strict instructions that it must get there tomorrow and she did just that. I cannot wait for them to get the surprise, we hope they will like it!

Mama made me Bunny Biscuits last night. Oh my GOSH, they smelt so nice in my nose! I though she was making hoomin mouth makes but they were for me! I snarfed my first one up so quick! Mama says I can't have them everyday because I will turn into a fat piggy. I weigh a trim 1.36kg and that's how Mama wants me to stay! Because it is an American recipe, Mama got to use her new measuring cups that she got for her birthday, aren't they nice? She gets confused by cups, she has to ask her friend in Utah so she does things right!

Look, the stupid orange furry was helping herself to MY present from Roo. I really hate her, she never asks to share things.

*edited to make link work!

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

I went to see Uncle Simon!

Well, after all the excitement of my presents on the wind yesterday I really didn't think I could cope with anymore surprises! BUT!! Look what Mama's brother got me! For her birthday!

How cool is that?! I was just about pooped from exploring when Mama whisked me away in my carry case.... we went to Uncle Simon's! He was so nice giving me fuss and cuddles! I didn't even mind when he pinched my ear and neck... he must have been playing the nipping game! Mama said it was a "myxi jab", whatever that is! The fuss and cuddles was the bestest for sure!

I've had a lazy evening so far, munching on hay and having cuddles with Mama. She says she feels grumpy because she's had no naps today. She should nap with me on my slate, it is so comfy!

I saw Mama get her magic internet buying stuffs card earlier.... I wonder if she's getting things for me.... I like being a spoilt bun!

Monday, 18 August 2008

It may be Mama's birthday but....

I did gettings of presents! Yay! Mama had a massive thing with her and I have no idea what it was.... Mama says it is a potty! It is the most strangest shaped potty I ever did see with my eyes! Another ethnic bunny called Roo was helped by his hoomin Mummy to wrap it up tightly and sent it on thw wind to me! Can you guess what else there was? A wrapped present! All for me! I opened it with my teefs, it was lots of lovely things for me to munch and crunch! You can see them in these videos! Roo even wrote me a card which I will put up in my crate forever and a day!

Yes, that is Daddy saying "willies" in the backgroud, trying to steal the limelight from me he was. He got Mama a card with The Cerne Abbas Giant on it, you can see the mans willy, how yucky is that!! Put your furry pants on giant man!

Mama is going to help me make something to send to Roo and his hoomin Mummy, it will be the bestest thing they did ever get on the wind! Mama is doing very tired looks in her eyeballs so I expect we will start it tomorrow.

Mama also said something about going to see Uncle Simon... I wonder whay we are going to see him.....

It is Mama's Birthday!!

She is really old and wrinkly now, I can see it with my big brown eyes! She is 26, that really is old, I'm not even 1 yet!

I just made her some special golden nuggets, I hope she likes them....

See me do makings!! :-D

Saturday, 16 August 2008

Looks What I did Get!

Wowwee! Ludo gave me this for being an awesome puppyrabbit! I don't know what I'm supposed to do with it, Mama has a blue one that she buys things on the internet... maybe I will see if I can use it on The Hay Experts to buy myself some delicious treats!

I can give this to other bunnies if I wants. I would like to give one one each to Bobbin and Roo because they are cool bunnies who like to get in mischief buy squishing their hoomin out of their room with a bale of hay! Sydney and Tyler because they has lovely furs and their hoomin does lovely art! Freckles has some brilliant adventures and is currently trying to figure out what an alien is doing in their house! I would also like to dedicate one in the memory of Bunny The Artist and to be accepted by his canine companion, BooBoo. Like Ludo, I would like to give one to Alvin too but he does not have a blog! what a silly bunneh!

Mama had a whole long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, looooooong day at the horse-pital yesterday, I was very worried she would never come home again! She came home with her hair all yuk and dirty and said the horses were sticking things to her head and watching her sleep, how very strange! At least she wasn't covered in wires anymore! She looked so weird. she got in the horrible bath but I'm glad she did, she smelled so much better! I gave her a long bunny cuddle afterwards, to let I love her, wires or not.

Then I went back to my favourite spot, under the sofa.

It is nearly Mama's birthday, I hope she gets some coriander and then she can share it with me! Nomnomnom! Knowing her, she will get lipsticks and knickers (YUK!) and chocolates, dumb girls things. She bought some shoes today, She was all excited and talking in that dumb baby voice, I didn't think they were so great but I pretended they were so she didn't start crying or anything.

Daddy made me a fun tunnel from cardboard, I've been in it loads today, running around and chewing it up, it's been loads of fun! Then I had some mint! Delicious! Mama bought it for me especially!

Today I was meant to get something in the post but the postman came at the wrong time, stoopid! Mama says I will have to wait until Monday. *thump* She won't even tell me what it is. I might bite her later if she doesn't tell me!

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Mama looks like an ay-lee-un!!

Well, it's been a quiet week, the weather makes me feel so lazy! I just sit about cleaning my lovely little carpet feet and giving bunny kisses to the hoomins.

Daddy says I've turned soppy because I've been demanding alot of Daddy love, we even had a snuggle down sleep together on the sofa and I was so cosy that I didn't sneak off for a sofa pee!

Mama went to the horse-pital again yesterday and she came back looking like an ay-lee-un! I have to cover my face with my ears so she couldn't see me do laughings! She looks so silly!

Look at her ugly grumpy face! She has all these stickies all over her head, under her hair, and wires that go down her back into a box. She even has stickies on her furry legs, I bet she was embarrassed about getting those monstrosities out!!

The wires look so tasty, I just wants to chews 'em but Mama said I really mustn't because I will ruin her results and it will make her sad.... like I care!

Look at the all colourful and chewable wires! She got up at 5am and was really grumpy because she nearly strangled herself, I had to give her bunny cuddles to cheer her up.

Can you believe Mama went out looking so silly?? Today she was so excited at having some pennies that she went out....and bought me presents! YESSSS!!!

Daddy showed me and I was so excited, I jumped straight off his hand and onto the goodies!! Guess which present I went for first....

Monday, 11 August 2008

I finks I is going to POP!!

I have filled my tummy with the most delicious grass in the Room With No Ceiling! I can hardly move!

Mama and I had a lazy weekend, Daddy went to play his drums at a festival and Mama was doing sad faces so we spent alot of time having extra snuggles on my big mat. I said she could even share my hay but she said she wasn't hungry.... she really must have been sad, how could she ever refuse yummy hay otherwise?!

We had fun building with cardboard and I did the decorating with my teefs!

Daddy came home and Mama was so excited! I was too, I couldn't help but cover him in bunny kisses!

He was a bit stinky when he got back but Mama put him in one of those horrible bath things. She filled it up so high, I would have been scared if I was him, I don't even like the little bit of water Mama uses in the bath for a foot wash for me! He was very brave though, us men have to be!

Today was a nice day at Mummy Jane's, I played in the Room With No Ceiling for a long time and even Spit The Cat The Bunny came to play, we even had a kiss! You can see it in this video.

I did lots of runnings around which was great, Mama and Daddy were laughing so much at my funny antics. I do like to entertain. Mama's mummy says I am like a "little lawnmower" and she likes that I try and keep her grass short for her.

There is a hoomin with a blog about Ottoman's... I have one of those!! You can read her blog here. She has bunnies too, hooray! Here is me on mine! It belonged to Daddy's Grandparents and is stuffed with straw! Daddy says it comes from a time called "The Seventies".... was that very long ago? Like last week?

Mama took this nice picture of Spit the CatBunny. I was a bit cross with him this afternoon, Mama had gone into the house for so long and I was getting bored and lonely....

......Then she came out and showed me this picture! She was stuck underneath the fat bumbum CatRabbit for an hour! The CatBunny is trying to steal my Mama!

Mama was apologetic and made this nice video of me dining on a fine dandelion! Nomnomnom!

Time for a sleepy! Toddles hoomins and everybun!!

Thursday, 7 August 2008

Mama has a funny watch on!

Daddy didn't go to work yesterday so we had early morning snuggles. I'm sure it is not the weekend, maybe he is scivving. It took him ages to get Mama out of bed and she was doing a grumpy and the stupid baby voice that she puts on when she's tired.

They went out for a little while and I was sad because I had to be left alone but Mama made me a delicious salad to eat and enjoy. All my most favouritists are on there! Coriander, basil, red pepper, cawwit, leaves what I don't know the name of, dried unsweetened pineapple and dried unsweetened banana, nomnomnom!

It tasted real nice and it made me sleepy. I didn't wake up until Mama and Daddy were back. Mama said she had been to horse-pital! I don't know why she went there, I know she's scared of horses. Her Godmother sat her on a pony when she was little, she said she cried and cried and has been scared of horses ever since, silly hoomin. The horsey wouldn't have hurted her!

Anyway, she is wearing this dumb thing, it looks like a watch and she says it is recording her movements for a week. It doesn't look like it will, it is much too small.

I'd like to nibble that strap, I'm going to try and get my teeth round it at some point!!

I had a lazy afternoon, Mama laid on the floor with me for a long time for snuggles and I jumped all over her. Then I chewed my willow ring. Would you like to see how things are going with that, Mama took a picture the other day, I have wrecked it with my teefs!!

Mmmmm, that salad is making my mouth water! I was doing some lovely relaxing, Mama asked if I was praying... what is praying?

I was very comfy but decided to change my position because Mama was laughing so much.

Mama was weird and said the horse-pital was the prettiest she'd ever seen. It was "modern and trendy" whatever that is. But I can't see any horses?!

Nope, still can't see any horses. She must be mad!