"Cor, I'm stuffed!"
Mama says it will be the last package I get for a bit, she says she has some 'big plans' to put into action. She won't tell me what they are all about but she says I will love it.
Mama and I stayed up very late last night, we have been making a surprise for ethnic Roo and his hoomin Mummy who sent us the potty. We didn't go to bed until 3am!! I had to get Mama up so very early so she could put the parcel on the wind and send it, I gave her strict instructions that it must get there tomorrow and she did just that. I cannot wait for them to get the surprise, we hope they will like it!
Mama made me Bunny Biscuits last night. Oh my GOSH, they smelt so nice in my nose! I though she was making hoomin mouth makes but they were for me! I snarfed my first one up so quick! Mama says I can't have them everyday because I will turn into a fat piggy. I weigh a trim 1.36kg and that's how Mama wants me to stay! Because it is an American recipe, Mama got to use her new measuring cups that she got for her birthday, aren't they nice? She gets confused by cups, she has to ask her friend in Utah so she does things right!
Look, the stupid orange furry was helping herself to MY present from Roo. I really hate her, she never asks to share things.
*edited to make link work!
::Drooling:: bun drooling here ::Drooling::
ooooooooh Carlton you is well spoiled... your mama mus really love you :)
Ooh just look at that stupid orange furry! I used to have one of those but it disappeared suddenly a few weeks ago - Mum cried, I didn't!
Enjoy your yummy foodings!
I couldn't make the link for the Bunny Biscuits work. What's the recipe? I have been wanting to make some for the Spots (Yes, yes, we want more treats!!!!!). The ones for sale in the store are not only expensive but add to kinds of oil, which just didn't seem good for a bunn or two. You are lucky, with all those boxes of yummies. Can't hardly wait to hear about the big plans..........
OOooo I finally get to see a picture of your orange furry fwiend!
S/he isn't so bad.
You have to be nice & learn to share :-)
OOooo I finally get to see a picture of your orange furry fwiend!
S/he isn't so bad.
You have to be nice & learn to share :-)
Them biscuits sound yum yum Carlton. You really are a lucky bunny lately. While you've beeng etting all these presents I've been getting none. :(
Wow Carlton - You one lucky little bun!
My mums going to get me some new stuff tomorrow and I cant wait.My mama has a brown and white fluffy thing which I dont like one bit! Its evil but my mummy cant see that =[
I just realized why you have that leetle patch of unruly fur on your lovely head: You wear a crown! Why didn't I fink of this sooner. It has obviously worn your fur thin in places. Is it possible for us to see you on your throne in all your glory? I'm sure you are most handsomest.
dang oh dang you are one spoilt bun!
as i should be of course
That food looked good! Bet your bunny biscuits were delicious!
Fun to see what is going on over there! You should have seen us trying to make Captain Rupert's Carrot cake when the recipe was all from England!!!!
Wow Carlton, you sure have loads of yummies! We're gonna make our humans bake those cookies for us!
The orange furry doesn't look so bad.. maybe some day you could both be friends! :D
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