They went out for a little while and I was sad because I had to be left alone but Mama made me a delicious salad to eat and enjoy. All my most favouritists are on there! Coriander, basil, red pepper, cawwit, leaves what I don't know the name of, dried unsweetened pineapple and dried unsweetened banana, nomnomnom!
It tasted real nice and it made me sleepy. I didn't wake up until Mama and Daddy were back. Mama said she had been to horse-pital! I don't know why she went there, I know she's scared of horses. Her Godmother sat her on a pony when she was little, she said she cried and cried and has been scared of horses ever since, silly hoomin. The horsey wouldn't have hurted her!
Anyway, she is wearing this dumb thing, it looks like a watch and she says it is recording her movements for a week. It doesn't look like it will, it is much too small.
I'd like to nibble that strap, I'm going to try and get my teeth round it at some point!!
I had a lazy afternoon, Mama laid on the floor with me for a long time for snuggles and I jumped all over her. Then I chewed my willow ring. Would you like to see how things are going with that, Mama took a picture the other day, I have wrecked it with my teefs!!
Mmmmm, that salad is making my mouth water! I was doing some lovely relaxing, Mama asked if I was praying... what is praying?

I was very comfy but decided to change my position because Mama was laughing so much.
Mama was weird and said the horse-pital was the prettiest she'd ever seen. It was "modern and trendy" whatever that is. But I can't see any horses?!
Nope, still can't see any horses. She must be mad!
That was a very meditative pose you were in -- but, it wasn't nice for your mommy to laugh at you! That horsepital was very modern and trendy! (I think they keep the horses in the back so they don't get scared by the elevators.)
ooooh i hope the watch makes your mommy better, you have to be good and not pee on the sofa then carlton cus the people with the horses will know shes been cleaning rabbit pee and then theyll know you live with her :P
That was a nice salad indeed! But why do you get dry banana? Do you ever get a slice of real fresh banana??Hmmm... that's really yummy! When mum comes with the banana we race to take it from her and I have to be fast, because Miss Eve will try to eat my bit if she finishes early.
Mum says she seems to recognize the horsepital, she was showing some horse device there one day. Tell your mum to wear the watch at all time or she too will have to go to the vets like me. I don't like it there, I tell you...
Cheers, Hugo
Well you have a very interesting life CJ ... I hope all is well with Mum and the non-horses. And you!
Glad To See Your Living Life To The Max =D
I Thought You Salad Looked Yummy - Mummy Is Teaching Me To Eat Salad Cause I Hate Everything Fresh But I Am Really Liking Rosemary At The Mo =D
I think you have the makings of a contemplative as you look very prayerful. I have to say that your mum takes really good care of you and I think she appreciates all the snuggles you give her. Keep it up. As for the horsepital, Freckles and Deb are right. Horses are scaredy cats when it comes to elevators. I know that if you were faced with an elevator,you would do just yawn and wonder if you were there yet.
Your momma makes very nice salads, hope she feels way better soon! We have never seen the watch device...
What a feast! Don't worry we didn't see any horses either.
Your mama is hallucinating .. I don't see horses either.
When your mama is sleeping, you should have a go at her weird bracelet!
Carlton, I hope you're momma's OK after her visit to the horse-pital. I hear that being around horses can be very therapeutic, but of course, nothing beats snuggling with a bunny ;)
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