I did gettings of presents! Yay! Mama had a massive thing with her and I have no idea what it was.... Mama says it is a potty! It is the most strangest shaped potty I ever did see with my eyes! Another ethnic bunny called Roo was helped by his hoomin Mummy to wrap it up tightly and sent it on thw wind to me! Can you guess what else there was? A wrapped present! All for me! I opened it with my teefs, it was lots of lovely things for me to munch and crunch! You can see them in these videos! Roo even wrote me a card which I will put up in my crate forever and a day!

Yes, that is Daddy saying "willies" in the backgroud, trying to steal the limelight from me he was. He got Mama a card with The Cerne Abbas Giant on it, you can see the mans willy, how yucky is that!! Put your furry pants on giant man!
Mama is going to help me make something to send to Roo and his hoomin Mummy, it will be the bestest thing they did ever get on the wind! Mama is doing very tired looks in her eyeballs so I expect we will start it tomorrow.
Mama also said something about going to see Uncle Simon... I wonder whay we are going to see him.....
hehe how coool prezzies on your mamas birthday :)
What a cool present you got! Bet your mom was jealous!
What a great present! You look just like my Bunny when he's not shedding, which isn't often...
ok that's just too cool that you get presents on your mom's birthday! you are a lucky bun
Aww Carlton, that's sooo Kool man! Lucky Bunneh!
I bet your mummy was dead jealous!
Cool pressie though!
Triangular potties are all the rage! You are sooooo lucky and what a big, big basket of chew things. Buns should always get pressies on on their human's B'day.
Hi Carlton! I'm Dash! I just wanted to say you are so lucky to be getting presents on your mommy's birthday! I don't get presents on my momma's birthday! Those look really fun, I'm going to make my daddy go out and buy me toys now! I'm jealous!!!!
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