Daddy says I've turned soppy because I've been demanding alot of Daddy love, we even had a snuggle down sleep together on the sofa and I was so cosy that I didn't sneak off for a sofa pee!
Mama went to the horse-pital again yesterday and she came back looking like an ay-lee-un! I have to cover my face with my ears so she couldn't see me do laughings! She looks so silly!
Look at her ugly grumpy face! She has all these stickies all over her head, under her hair, and wires that go down her back into a box. She even has stickies on her furry legs, I bet she was embarrassed about getting those monstrosities out!!
The wires look so tasty, I just wants to chews 'em but Mama said I really mustn't because I will ruin her results and it will make her sad.... like I care!
Look at the all colourful and chewable wires! She got up at 5am and was really grumpy because she nearly strangled herself, I had to give her bunny cuddles to cheer her up.
Can you believe Mama went out looking so silly?? Today she was so excited at having some pennies that she went out....and bought me presents! YESSSS!!!

Daddy showed me and I was so excited, I jumped straight off his hand and onto the goodies!! Guess which present I went for first....
Those wire thingies look like they'd be fun to play tugger on. I hopes they help make your mummy's grumpy face into a happy smiley one. Sometimes it be weird when peoples smile though, they look like they are growling. They are so funny! I hope you are having a good day with all your nice presents. I would like to give you a gold thingy. You can come visit me to get it.
luv Ludo.
Aaaww what did the horses do to your mama? I hope she'll feel better.
Carlton, you're one spoiled bunneh .. always gets things your way (one way or the other ;-)
Do you feel like sharing your pressies with my chinnies?
Be sure and give your mum extra schnozzle bumpees -- I think she might need them. Tell her we hope she feels better soon and that we, The G-Kitties and the Funky Dog, know what it's like not to feel too well. We've been at the horsepital a lot latlely which we like very much because the peeps there are so sweet and give us yummy treats and good meds. So keep us posted and we'll keep you all in our prayers (and even thought you say you don't care we know that you really do becaws that's what bunnehs is all about! (But it's a secret.%>})).
Oh noes, what is the matter with your poor mama? You're a good bunneh for not chewing the wires as she slept! My mama is always in horsepiddle because of me :( I broke her toe and her finger. You are lucky you get so many bunneh presents, there are very few toys and treats available for bunnehs in Oz where we live. I still miss my bunneh artist sibling a lot but I don't think my mama is getting another bunneh anytime soon because we just bought a new wicker couch!
Wags from BooBoo (Bunny the artist's canine sibling)
yup I think you cut it out. You can give it to other bunnies or peoples if you want, or I guess you can just look at it. I bet you would like to get your teeth on it!
hai Carlton.
Ludo and his mummy gave us an award aswell so mummy said I should pass it on to other bunnehs.
I know you already have one but I wanted to give you one aswell! I hope you don't mind!
Your mummy looks so exotic! WOW! Give her plenty of bunny kisses, make her laugh, she will feel better.
Wow! Those wires do look very chewable! Great presents! Isn't it fun getting spoiled?! (Maybe the presents are to keep your mind off the wires!)
Carlton, you have a rat friend?
How come you don't like to talk about him?
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