Well, what an adventure and busy time it was! Last night Mama said it was groom time. I HATE groom time but I always get a reward at the end so I put up with it. Mama was shocked and said she could make a whole new bunny from the fur she got out.
See, I got my coriander treat!
Well I went to sleep all worried that something bad was going to happen, the hoomins got up and were rushing around checking for poops and hiding things and not giving me ANY attention! *thump*
Then I went in my carrier and we got in my car (yes, it is mine!) and I was still worried.... Mama told me that the landlords was coming with Pow-er-jeans to check the gas and lek-tree-city in all the flats and I couldn't be seen. She assured me it was nothing to to with being an ethnic bunneh, it was because I pay no rents. She should have said! I could give her cawwits to live her! I sure would miss those cawwits but it would be worth it to stop seeing Mama panicking and upset because she is so very tired.
We went to Mummy Jane's! I was straight in the garden doing a happy skip, I love it there! I wish we had a room with no ceiling and edible carpets!
Mama was umm-ing and ahh-ing, she said something about having the wrong key so she pretended to be a burglar! She was squishing herself through the bathroom window! But her big cabubblies stopped her, she said she could get through that window when she was very skinny. She woke her brother who gave her a key to one of the back doors.... but Daddy accidently locked her in the garden! She couldn't get to the door she needed to!! I was laughing so much as she was getting all flustered! In the end she got a tent peg and set herself free by lifting the catch.
I sat and watched her silliness.

I pretended to wash my feet to hide my giggles.

I found my new favourite spot, it's behind the big shed under a wheelbarrow. I like to do alot of thinking here. And a little sleeping, of course. Actually, alot of sleeping! I love to sleep, you know!

Spit The Cat the bunny came to see me, we touched noses but he's so very nervous he keeps running away! He is and uppy-eared bunny, as you can see. Nowhere near as handsome as me. I think he has a big fat bum!

I was allowed out to play ALL day! It was so much fun, I played with Mama's brothers and I had a great time running in circles really fast around the shed, it was making Mama laugh!
Mama had to put up Daddy's tent. He is playing a festival at the weekend so it needed airing. I helped Mama put it up and Spit had a look around and then I did. Mama went in and had a sleepy time! Mama cannot go to the festival, she told me she is very sad but she is just too poorly to go. Good job she's not going, who would feed me? I'm the most important thing, you know! Number One Bun!!

Camping bunneh!
Mama took a funny photo from her brothers room... can you see me? Tee hee!

Mama also took this picture, personally I think I should be on that box with that phrase! Get that stoopid catbunneh off there, I want to sleep on it!

Before we went home, Mama started saying I was stinky! How rude! She said my bumbum was smelly! I am a very clean bunny actually! The hoomins are the stinky ones! Anyway, she made me have a foot and bum wash, EURGH!!! But it got WORSE!!! They cleaned my scent glands and trimmed my nails! I AM NOT a happy bunneh. :-( I was so upset I couldn't stop flicking my feet at the hoomins.... but I must admit shorter nails do feel nice! I also got some coriander for taking the grooming with ease. I had a big sulk under the sofa.
Now I'm ready to munch some hay.... and, I must say, I do smell lovely and fresh!
:'( i was so excited to see you too :'(
I can't wait to see what you've been up to today.... the suspense has been driving me crazy!!
^ ^ Hello Alvin!!!
Alvin, I am very sowwee! It is Mama's fault, if she had told me what was going on I wouldn't have had to do guessings!
phew! I be very happy you are ok Alvin. I gots very worried when I readed your other post. I have a cat friend like spit the cat the bunny too. His name is Pepe, only he's not a bunny he's a catdog. :D
Carlton you're back!
I'm happy you're ok.
You must have so much fun!
I'm jealous .. my mommy doesn't let me run around in a garden with edible carpet. Pooh!
That was quite an adventure! I'm glad you eluded by the authorities! Better start paying rent from now on.. give the hoomins some extra doots ;)
What a great adventure you had, Carlton! What fun to hide out from the landlords! Those are some pretty cool pictures.
Wow, you bun go to bunny camping?? Mum and dad have a caravan and dad told us once that when it is possible they will bring us to have a holiday somewhere sunny, but mum laughs and says for this we need to leave the country!
Thanks for visiting our blog, we put a link to yours so we can come back and see what you're up to!
- Hugo and Miss Eve
Woopsie, I just seed I wrote Alvin. Mummy tells me that's cos I had just seed Alvins name at the top of the comments and wasn't thinking bout what I was typings. Well, I only 16 and a bit weeks after all. ;)
Seriously. hyserical. Shot red bull right outta the nose!
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