Monday, 9 June 2008

Daddy was real nice!

Last night Daddy went out to play his drummy drums and got home real late but still found time to make me a new signature, isn't he nice?

I said I wanted it to have rice an' peas on it and he came up with this -

He is so clever.

Mama said the Alvin kissed his teeth at his Mom, that's so funny. He's such a rude bwoy, he's mi bredrin, bruthas gotta stick together!

There's is a funny video of Alvin and Pearl getting excited about their veggies, Mama say it makes her laugh, I might ask their Mom if I can put it up on my blog for Mama to see!


Fudge said...

hi carlton!
your daddy is very clever...i dont have a daddy to do clever things like that.its just me and mummy *sob*

Rachel W said...

I love your new sig Carlton, it reminds me of me! lol

Carlton Jamal said...

Hello Rice! When Daddy was making it, Mama said "I wonder if Rice understands what it means" teehee!