Sunday, 8 June 2008

Mama has not been a happy bunny today! Naughty daddy was snoring all night long and was disturbing Mama so much that she kept getting up and didn't sleep a wink all night! I liked it because it meant I could stay up all night like a naughty boy!

Today has been a lazy day, Mama did her sleeping in the morning after I had my pellets and she had Frosties (why can't i have Frosties? they look nice!) then we shared a plate of herbs. Mama said she was pretending to share so I understand what will happen when I have a ladybun. Why should I have to share my herbs? Mama makes them for me! I'll give any lady the what-for if she attempts to munch my herbs! *thump*

1 comment:

Fudge said...

Carlton-my mummy says if you love someone you share EVERYTHING with them.....

my mummy shares her fruitie shredded wheaties with me....yummy yummy.....