On Saturday morning Mama lifted me onto the hoomins sleeping place for snuggles which was real nice but I really wasn't enjoying the overpowering hoomin smell so I hopped over to Daddy's side of the bed and managed to squeeze out a little bit of pee before Mama began shrieking and shooed me off the bed. She said she wasn't happy because she is so tired with her hy-per-somni-doo-dah but had to get up and wash the duvet and strip the bed. Like I care!
Later on when the duvet was back on the back, I sneaked into the bedroom and onto the bed, I did the biggest wee on the duvet again! And I saved some for the mattress too, hahaahahahahha!
I'm so full of naughtiness and I just don't care!
Here's me being all cute on my sofa. Don't worry though, I peed on it the same day!

I cant stop laughing, i just love carlton x
Carlton, I gonna cut of your pee pee.
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